Ms. Phoebe Ip
General Manager | Certification Services – Technology Development, Macao Post | China
Phoebe Ip has been working in Macao Post, a government department of Macao SAR, over 20 years. She has worked in the manager position for about 20 years in the IT and PKI fields. She was the technical leader for the project of establishment of Macao Post PKI/CA with contribution in the design of PKI/CA system infrastructure, definition of certificate profiles, writing for policies and agreements, setup of business and operation teams. Being the General Manager of Technology Development for eSignTrust Certification Services, she is responsible for the provision of CA and RA services. One of her achievements is to lead her team to obtain the Seal of WebTrust for CA Certification. Now she is making efforts to develop and promote cloud eSignature Services in Macao.
Phoebe is also the Key Ceremony Administrator responsible for the generation of Certification Authority of Macao Post.
Phoebe obtained her bachelor degree majoring Computer Science from the University of Calgary in Canada. In her career time, she obtained her master degree majoring Administration from the University of Zhongshan, Guangzhou, PRC in 2002.
Her interests in IT field are security and governance.